Rennes-le-Château Researchers & Hoaxsters
Rest In Peace
Paul Rouelle
14 August 1944 - 9 November 2022

Paul Rouelle (Philippe de Chérisey's former dentist) was the cause of the split between Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey when he started working with him on “Court Circuit”, that was finally published on 2010 containing a preface by Henry Lincoln (1930-2022). Paul Rouelle had tried unsuccessfully to publish “Court Circuit” through Philippe Schrauben. Paul Rouelle became established as one of the mystagogues of Rennes-le-Château.

Quote from part of a letter to Pierre Jarnac (Michel Vallet) dated 22 May 1985, Pierre Plantard wrote the following about Philippe de Chérisey involving Paul Rouelle:

“You need to know only that I have no involvement whatsoever with the ‘deathless prose’ of Monsieur Philippe de Chérisey, who was the co-author with Monsieur Paul Rouelle of the book COURT-CIRCUIT, lodged with the B.N. (Bibliothèque nationale) in December 1984 or January 1985, which dragged my name through the mud.

The Marquis de Chérisey was a good friend of mine from university days, but I very often disapprove of his books which are really quite bizarre.”

Les Archives de Rennes-le-Château, page 550, Tome 2, Editions Bélisane: Nice, 1988

Paul Rouelle, Court-Circuit, D'Orval à Rennes-le-Château (Limited Edition of 500 copies, 1984; reprinted with a preface by Henry Lincoln [1930-2022], Editions Oeil Du Sphinx, Serpent Rouge édition, 2010)

Paul Rouelle, ¨Rennes-le-Château: Une Histoire d'Apocalypse (preface by Roch Sauquere, Top Secret magazine, Special Number Edition, Summer 2004; Book, preface by Christian Bernadac [1937-2003], 2006)

Rennes-le-Château Researchers & Hoaxsters